Flag Hunters Golf Podcast

So How About Developing POWER and SPEED ?!?! Both Justin and I have the Guys that have developed The ONECLUB TRAINER !! A Great Talk with Alcide Deschesnes and Dave Hill

Jesse Perryman Season 2 Episode 81

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   Hello and welcome once again to the Flaghunters Golf Podcast ! I am your Host, Jesse Perryman along with Justin Tang, to bring you Alcide Deschesnes and Dave Hill from The ONECLUB Trainer. Both Al and Dave are from Quebec, Canada and have developed a training club that serves several purposes. The ONECLUB  can be used as a plyometric workout that builds the vital rotary muscles, along with the Core, to produce power. The ONECLUB can ALSO be used as a speed training device, similar to the Stack trainer. 
   In this episode, Al and Dave explain the origins of the ONECLUB and how it's being currently used by some of the top Long Drive folks. We all talk about the very mechanics on producing power and speed ! 
   Thank you to Al and Dave for coming on and providing this incredible device ! Go to www.oneclubtrainer.com to order one and tap into some great instructional pieces from Martin Chuck. You can find Justin easiest on Instagram @elitegolfswing and me @flaghuntersgolfpod. Cheers everyone and have a kickass week !