Flag Hunters Golf Podcast

A great Pupil/Teacher conversation with Grant Geertsen and AJ Fitzgerald

Jesse Perryman Season 1 Episode 37

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 Hello and a very warm welcome welcome to the Flaghunters Golf Podcast.  Today, we are fortunate to have my two great friends on the Pod. Grant Geertsen I have known for 25 plus years. Grant has taught Golf here on the Monterey Peninsula for that same time and is currently teaching at Poppy Hills in Pebble Beach. AJ is a student at CSUMB(California State University at Monterey Bay) and currently on the Golf team. Notably, CSUMB is one of the top Division 2 Golf programs in the U.S.
    In this conversation, Grant, AJ and I discuss the student teacher relationship and how important it is to have honesty and, an open discussion, no matter what it is. We also talk about the process from top to bottom. Lastly, celebrating success. 
   As a result of this sacred process, AJ has had himself quite a Summer. He has won a big local event. He and his parter just qualified for the USGA Four Ball and has consistently played well. The moral of the story is, get going and trust the process. 
    It was a privilege to be a part of this conversation and it’s a nice x-Ray in to a student/ coach relationship. I have no doubt that AJ’s trajectory is upward and Grant will continue to Sheppard him that way. Cheers to Grant and AJ for coming on. 